Say goodbye to Excel trackers
DealMage is a wholesale replacement of the worst workflow in M&A

With DealMage…
An end-to-end, next generation Tracker solution to
power successful deals
Clean, intuitive, lightning fast SaaS product
Domain Specific
Designed from the ground up by M&A professionals, for M&A professionals
Built for highly confidential deal processes
For Investment Bankers
Invite and permission individual buyer groups
Filter by buyer or show all at once
Assign to management or internal deal team members
Chat & edit responses internally before posting to buyer
Dynamic, fully detailed status reports
Full audit log of buyer activity

For Private Equity Investors
Bulk add requests from Excel
Invite advisors to collaborate
Customize table layout
Review and edit in “draft” before posting to sell-side
Reprioritize in real-time
Quick sort by category

For Management Teams
Focus only on your responsibilities
Quick search by keyword
See what colleagues have outstanding
Deep-link and share requests directly with teammates
Submit draft responses to bankers for review
See if responses are accepted or rejected